
Web Chat AI Voice & SupportMaster Pro & Live Help & Chat with Own Data

  • When offered as part of your e-commerce packages, our AI chatbot will make your clients' businesses more competitive while highlighting your company as a valuable solution partner.

OmmiChat Pro

This comprehensive system combines Web Chat AI Voice Agent, WhatsApp Business Chat Bot, Web Chat Bot, and Live Support Software under one roof. With its integrated Ticketing CMS System, it effectively manages all customer support requests, optimizing your workflow and maximizing customer satisfaction.

Web Chat AI Voice Call Center Agent
Natural Language Processing (NLP): Understands and responds to customer inquiries accurately using natural language processing.
Click Phone icon in Chat below.
Own Company Data + Chat Bot + Admin Panel
Our system can handle the requests of hundreds of customers simultaneously and provides customized responses based on your company's information.
Handoff + Live Help
When a customer wishes to speak with live support, they are automatically directed to live support. If live support is unavailable or offline, the AI takes over and processes the customer's request.

Get Started with OmniChat Pro

This comprehensive system combines Web Chat AI Voice Agent, WhatsApp Business Chat Bot, Web Chat Bot, and Live Support Software under one roof. 
